Home > FAQs > Child Profiles > 1. How do I add a new Child Profile in ASQ Online

1. How do I add a new Child Profile in ASQ Online

Any ASQ Online Program Administrator and Provider can add Child Profiles.


To add a new Child Profile:


·         Select Child Profiles from the top navigation menu.

·         Select the Add Child Profile Quick Link.

·         Enter profile information for the child – items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

·         Click the Save button. 

See also

2. How do I add a caregiver to a Child Profile in ASQ Online?
3. How can I find all of my complete and incomplete screenings in ASQ Online?
4. Can I make changes to a question in ASQ Online after it is finalized?
5. How do I archive a child record in ASQ Online?
6. Why can't I see my Child Profiles in ASQ Online?
7. Why does the ASQ Online Short Form only contain boxes, and no questions?