Home > Program Administrator User Manual > 8 Import/Export > 8.3 Troubleshooting Common Import Errors

8.3 Troubleshooting Common Import Errors

The table below lists some common import errors that may occur, and some tips on correcting those errors. 

Import Error Message

Reason for Error Message

How to Correct the Import File

"The file you imported doesn't match the template."

The column headers of the file imported don't match what the system expects based on the templates and any custom fields in the account.

Be sure you selected the correct import template from the dropdown menu before import.Make sure that the import file you are uploading matches the Data Template. Your Account Administrator may have created custom fields for the Child and/or Caregiver Profile. Download the Data Template and make sure it matches the columns in the import file you attempted to upload.


"The "xx month" interval was selected as the screening interval, but the file indicates the data is for a "xx month" screening."

The interval file you uploaded doesn’t match the data in the corresponding Data Template.

Make sure that the import file you are uploading matches the Data Template.  Download the Data Template and make sure it matches the columns in the import file you attempted to upload.


"Unrecoverable Error"

Something went very wrong when trying to import. 


Try the import again.  Contact technical support if error continues. Technical support#: 1-866-404-9853
Technical support email form:  https://www.asqonline.com/support

"Connection error. Please refresh manually."

The status page is having difficulty loading the status of your import. 

Refreshing the page might solve the issue, or could reveal a larger issue for you to address. If the problem persists, contact support.

Technical support#: 1-866-404-9853
Technical support email form:  https://www.asqonline.com/support


"Unable to process import"

Importing unable to be processed.  There is usually something wrong with the import file. 


The page will indicate some details about the error.Data may not be valid or formatted correctly, or there are other issues with the content of the import. Correct the file and try again. Uploading the same file without fixing the issues won't solve the problem.


"This import has an unresolvable error. Please view the errors listed below and resolve them, then retry the import."

There are data issues with specific rows within the import, and they must be solved before any data in the import can be processed. The error message will indicate which errors exist and on which rows of the import file. Correct the file and try again. Uploading the same file without fixing the issues won't solve the problem.

See also

8.1 Importing Data
8.2 Custom Fields(Pro account only)
8.4 Updating Existing Data Using Import Data Templates
8.5 Exporting Data