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10.2 Screening Management Main Page

Selecting Screening Management from the top navigation menu will take you to the Screening Management main page. This page has two sections: Screenings and Screening Due.

10.2.1 Screening Section

The Screenings section is identical to the one found on your Home page, and lists the 5 most recent screenings for the children in your program. Clicking the View All tab will take you to the complete list of screenings.

You can search for screenings by questionnaire type, interval(s), Provider, status (NEW, Finalized, or In Progress), Screening date range, and Concern (Concern or No Concern).

The Screenings section lists the child’s name, the questionnaire, the interval, the status, whether or not this screening came in through Family Access, the screening date, the name of the Provider who entered the screening, the name of the caregiver who completed the screening, and whether this screening was marked “Concern.” You can print the Information Summary Sheet directly from this page, by selecting the child and clicking the Print Summaries button. Clicking the child’s name will take you to that child’s profile, and clicking the questionnaire will take you to the Information Summary Sheet, where you can view the screening in its entirety.

10.2.2 Screenings Due Section

Screenings Due refers to screening tasks that have been scheduled, but the materials have not yet been sent to the caregiver for completion.

The Screenings Due section lists the first 5 scheduled screenings. Clicking the View All tab will take you to a list of all screenings that are due. You can search for screenings due by due date, the child’s date of birth (DOB), child name, child ID, Alt. ID, the name of the Provider assigned to this screening task, the questionnaire, and previous result (the questionnaire result for the last screening for this child). Clicking the Edit link next to any screening task due will allow you to make any changes to the screening task.

To create a packet of screening materials to be mailed to the caregiver, click the link at the top of the page (“To create a packet to mail out materials for screenings due, click here to go to the View/Print Packets page”).

NOTE: The Screenings Due section is only a list of screening tasks that are due. In order to complete the task, you will have to go to the View/Print Packets page and generate the materials associated with this task.

See also

10.1 Screening Management Quick Reference Guide
10.3 Screenings
10.4 Tasks
10.5 Packets
10.6 Documents