Home > Account Administrator User Manual > 6 Managing Program Users > 6.5 Adding Access to an Existing Program User

6.5 Adding Access to an Existing Program User

If a user already exists within a program as a Program Administrator, Provider, or Reviewer, you may add additional access to that user (e.g., you want a Program Administrator to also have the access rights of a Provider).

To add additional access:

  1. Select Programs from the top navigation menu.
  2. Locate and select the name of the program the user is associated with. You will be directed to the Program Details page.
  3. Depending on the type of access you want to add to a user, select one of the following Quick Links:

a.      Add Program Administrator Access

b.      Add Provider Access

4. A list of available program users will appear. Locate the user you wish to add access to, in the Program Users list.

5. Click the check box to the left of the user’s name, ensuring a check mark appears.

If you wish to add user access to all users listed, click the Select All button.

Click the Add button in the top right corner of the Program Users list. 

To add multiple access across programs to an existing user:
1. Select Programs from the top navigation menu.
2. Click on the program you would like to add user access to.
3. Click Search Program Users from the left Quick Links menu
4. Click on the user you would like to add access to
5. Click Edit
6. Scroll down to the Role section and using the scrolling bar as needed, click in the boxes for each type of access that should be added to this user.
7. Click Save when done.

See also

6.1 Adding a Program User
6.2 Searching for & Viewing Program Users
6.3 Editing a Program User's Profile
6.4 Deleting a Program User
6.6 Removing Access from an Existing Program User