Home > Provider User Manual > 5 Managing Child Profiles > 5.7 Viewing Tasks
5.7 Viewing Tasks
Within ASQ Online, you can schedule
screening and non-screening tasks (such as follow-up actions), for the children
assigned to you. These tasks help you to manage and better serve your children.
The Screening Management page is
where you can add and keep track of all tasks, but you can also add and view a
child’s tasks within their profile. (For more information on tasks, see Section 7 Screening Management.)
To view a child’s tasks within their
- Select Child
Profiles from the top navigation menu.
- Browse the Child Profiles list or
search for a Child Profile.
- Click on the child’s name to access his or her
- Scroll down to the tasks section. The child’s
first 5 tasks will be listed here. Click the View All tab to view a list of all tasks for this child.
- To view the details of an individual task, click
on the task type. From the Task
Details page you can edit or delete this child’s task.
5.7.1 Adding Tasks via the Child Profile
add a task from a child’s profile:
- Click the View All tab to the right of the Child Profiles tab on your Home page.
- Select Child
Profiles from the top navigation menu.
- Browse the Child Profiles list or
search for a Child Profile.
- Click on the child’s name to access his or her
- Scroll down to the tasks section. Click the Add tab.
- Enter in the following information (items marked
with an asterisk [*] are required):
- Task type* (Select the screening or
non-screening task from the drop-down menu.)
- Program user* (You can only select
yourself from the drop-down menu.)
- Due date*
- Completed date (If you are
creating this task after the task has been completed, for tracking and
reporting purposes.)
- Description
NOTE: If you select a screening task,
you will need to also select the questionnaire type and interval (ASQ Online
will recommend an interval). You can also enter a “Returned date” if you are
creating this screening task after the screening has been completed, for
tracking and reporting purposes.
5.7.2 Manually Completing Tasks &
Marking Tasks “Returned”
There may be instances when you create a task within ASQ Online after
the corresponding action has already been completed. For instance, you might
create a screening task for a child, for a screening that has already been
entered into the system. One reason you might do this is if you are using tasks
for tracking and reporting purposes but forgot to create the task until after
it was complete.
If this is the case, you can manually complete the task within the
child’s profile. If it is a screening task, you can also manually mark the
screening as “Returned.” (“Returned” refers to screenings that were mailed to
the caregiver and have been sent back to your program, to be entered into ASQ
Online.) For more information, see Section 7.3.4 Screening Tasks Completed and
Section 7.4.3 Tasks Completed.
manually complete a task:
- Click the View All tab to the right of the Child Profiles tab on your Home page.
- Select Child
Profiles from the top navigation menu.
- Browse the Child Profiles list or
search for a Child Profile.
- Click on the child’s name to access his or her
- Scroll down to the Tasks section. The list of
tasks will include the task type, the interval (if it’s a screening task),
the program user responsible for the child, the due date, the completed
date, the status, and a “Returned” column.
- If the task is not yet complete, “Not Yet
Complete” will be listed under the “Status” column.
- To manually complete the task, click the Complete link, under the “Completed
date” column.
manually mark a screening task as “Returned”:
7. If the task is a screening task, there will be a
check box under the “Returned” column.
8. To mark the task as “Returned,” put a check mark
in the box.
See also