Getting Started As an Account Administrator As a Program Administrator As a Provider Setting Up Your Family Access Page
Account Administrator User Manual 1 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to ASQ Online 1.2 About this User Manual 2 Navigating ASQ Online 2.1 Top Navigation Menu 2.2 Quick Links 3 ASQ Online for Account Administrators 3.1 Home Page 3.2 My Profile 3.3 Your Role: Account Administrator 4 Managing Your Account 4.1 Billing Details 4.2 Subscriptions 4.3 Support Fees 4.4 Hub Details 4.5 Custom Fields 4.6 Account Notes 4.7 Account Users 4.8 Adding Account Administrator Access to an Existing User 4.9 Removing Access from an Existing Account User 5 Managing Your Programs 5.1 Adding a Program 5.2 Viewing a List of All Programs within Your Account 5.3 Searching for A Program & Viewing a Program 5.4 Editing a Program's Profile Details 5.5 Adding Keycodes to a Program 6 Managing Program Users 6.1 Adding a Program User 6.2 Searching for & Viewing Program Users 6.3 Editing a Program User's Profile 6.4 Deleting a Program User 6.5 Adding Access to an Existing Program User 6.6 Removing Access from an Existing Program User 7 Child Transfers 7.1 Program-to-Program Transfer 7.2 Account-to-account Transfer 7.3 Pending Transfers 7.4 Running a Transfer History Report 7.5 Items That Will Not Transfer 7.6 Invalid Data 8 Import 8.1 Importing Data 8.2 Custom Fields(Enterprise account only) 8.3 Troubleshooting Common Import Errors 8.4 Updating Existing Data Using Import Data Templates 8.5 Quick Reference Guide 9 Reports 9.1 Report Generation Options 9.2 Recent Reports 9.3 Report Guidelines 9.4 Child Profiles 9.5 Transfer History 9.6 Screen Usage, by Program 9.7 Screening Tasks Status, by Date 9.8 Stats Snapshot, by Program 9.9 Screening Status Summary 9.10 ASQ-3 Screening Scores 9.11 ASQ-3 Screening Results, by Program 9.12 ASQ-3 Aggregate Results, by Category 9.13 ASQ-3 Screenings Below Cutoff, by Area 9.14 ASQ-3 Screenings, by Interval 9.15 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Scores 9.16 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results, by Program 9.17 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Aggregate Results 9.18 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screenings Above Cutoff 9.19 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screenings, by Interval 10 Username & Password Management 10.1 Forgotten Username 10.2 Forgotten Password 10.3 Changing Your Password 11 Additional Support 11.1 Email Technical Support & Toll-Free Technical Support 11.2 Training & On-Site Professional Development 12 Contact Information
Program Administrator User Manual 1 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to ASQ Online 1.2 About This User Manual 2 Navigating ASQ Online 2.1 Top Navigation Menu 2.2 Quick Links 3 ASQ Online for Program Administrators 3.1 Home Page 3.2 My Profile 3.3 My Alerts 3.4 Your Role: Program Administrator 4 Managing Your Program 4.1 Program Details 4.2 Managing Program Users 4.3 Entering Your Keycode(s) 4.4 Program Notes 4.5 Program Files 4.6 Custom Tasks 4.7 Custom Fields (Pro account only) 4.8 Task Preferences 5 Screening Preferences 5.1 Setting Automatic Screening Tasks Based on the Child's Age 5.2 Setting Automatic Screening Tasks Based on the Child's Tenure in Program 5.3 Setting Automatic Screening Tasks Based on the Child's Recommended Interval 5.4 Setting Automatic Re-Screen Tasks Based on the Child's Screening Results 6 Managing Child Profiles 6.1 Adding a Child Profile 6.2 Searching for a Child Profile 6.3 Viewing the Child Profiles List 6.4 Viewing & Editing Child Profile Details 6.5 Archiving or Deleting a Child Profile 6.6 Child Profile Screenings 6.7 Viewing Tasks 6.8 Adding & Viewing Child Profile Notes 6.9 Caregivers 6.10 Child's Providers & Reviewers 6.11 Merging Child Profiles 6.12 Viewing a Child's Transfer History 6.13 Requesting Child Transfers (Pro account only) 7 Child Screenings 7.1 Screenings Page 7.2 Adding a Screening 7.3 Viewing a Screening 7.4 Printing a Screening 7.5 Deleting a Screening 7.6 Quick Reference Guides 8 Import/Export 8.1 Importing Data 8.2 Custom Fields(Pro account only) 8.3 Troubleshooting Common Import Errors 8.4 Updating Existing Data Using Import Data Templates 8.5 Exporting Data 9 Program Screenings 9.1 Managing Your Screening Program 9.2 Searching All Screenings in Your Program 9.3 Assign Pending Family Access Screenings 9.4 View the Child Profile & Questionnaire for a Screening 9.5 Print the Information Summary Sheet 10 Screening Management 10.1 Screening Management Quick Reference Guide 10.2 Screening Management Main Page 10.3 Screenings 10.4 Tasks 10.5 Packets 10.6 Documents 11 Family Access 11.1 Family Access Landing Page 11.2 A Caregiver's View of a Family Access Landing Page 11.3 Creating a Family Access Landing Page 11.4 Previewing, Editing, & Deleting a Family Access Landing Page 11.5 Copying & Pasting the Family Access URL 11.6 The Invitation Letter with URL 11.7 Child List 11.8 Accepting/Rejecting Screenings Submitted via Family Access 11.9 Assigning Pending Screenings to a Provider 12 Reports 12.1 Report Generation Options 12.2 Recent Reports 12.3 Report Guidelines 12.4 Transfer History 12.5 Screening Tasks Status, by Date 12.6 Stats Snapshot, by Provider 12.7 Screening Status Summary 12.8 ASQ-3 Screening Scores 12.9 ASQ-3 Screenings Results, by Program 12.10 ASQ-3 Screening Results, by Child 12.11 ASQ-3 Aggregate Results, by Category 12.12 ASQ-3 Screenings Below Cutoff, by Area 12.13 ASQ-3 Screenings, by Interval 12.14 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Scores 12.15 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results, by Program 12.16 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results, by Child 12.17 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Aggregate Results Report 12.18 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screenings Above Cutoff 12.19 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screenings, by Interval 13 Username & Password Management 13.1 Forgotten Username 13.2 Forgotten Password 13.3 Changing Your Password 14 Additional Support 14.1 Email Technical Support & Toll-Free Technical Support 14.2 Training & On-Site Professional Development 15 Contact Information
Provider User Manual 1 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to ASQ Online 1.2 About this User Manual 2 Navigating ASQ Online 2.1 Top Navigation Menu 2.2 Quick Links 3 ASQ Online for Providers 3.1 Home Page 3.2 My Profile 3.3 My Alerts 3.4 Your Role: Provider 4 Program 4.1 Program Details 4.2 Recent Program Users 5 Managing Child Profiles 5.1 Adding a Child Profile 5.2 Searching for a Child Profile 5.3 Viewing the Child Profiles List 5.4 Viewing & Editing Child Profile Details 5.5 Removing a Child Profile 5.6 Child Profile Screenings 5.7 Viewing Tasks 5.8 Adding & Viewing Child Profile Notes 5.9 Caregivers 5.10 Child's Providers & Reviewers 5.11 Merging Child Profiles 5.12 Viewing a Child's Transfer History 5.13 Exporting Data 6 Child Screenings 6.1 Screenings Page 6.2 Adding a Screening 6.3 Viewing a Screening 6.4 Printing a Screening 6.5 Deleting a Screening 7 Screening Management 7.1 Screening Management Quick Reference Guide 7.2 Screening Management Main Page 7.3 Screenings 7.4 Tasks 7.5 Packets 7.6 Documents 8 Family Access 8.1 Family Access Landing Page 8.2 Family Access Passcode 8.3 A Caregiver's View of a Family Access Landing Page 8.4 Creating a Family Access Landing Page 8.5 Previewing, Editing, & Deleting a Family Access Landing Page 8.6 Copying & Pasting the Family Access URL 8.7 The Invitation Letter with URL 8.8 Family Access Child List 8.9 Accepting/Rejecting Screens Submitted via Family Access 9 Reports 9.1 Report Generation Options 9.2 Recent Reports 9.3 Report Guidelines 9.4 Screening Tasks Status, by Date 9.5 Screening Status Summary 9.6 ASQ-3 Screening Scores 9.7 ASQ-3 Screening Results, by Child 9.8 ASQ-3 Aggregate Results, by Category 9.9 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Scores 9.10 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results, by Child 9.11 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Aggregate Results 10 Username & Password Management 10.1 Forgotten Username 10.2 Forgotten Password 10.3 Changing Your Password 11 Additional Support 11.1 Email Technical Support & Toll-Free Technical Support 11.2 Training & On-Site Professional Development 12 Contact Information
Reviewer User Manual 1 Introduction 1.1 Welcome to ASQ Online 1.2 About this User Manual 2 Navigating ASQ Online 2.1 Top Navigation Menu 2.2 Quick Links 3 Your Home Page 4 My Profile 4.1 My Profile 4.2 My Notes 4.3 My Files 4.4 My Access List 5 Your Program 5.1 Program Details 6 Reports 6.1 Report Generation Options 6.2 Recent Reports 6.3 Report Guidelines 6.4 Screening Tasks Status, by Date 6.5 Screening Status Summary 6.6 ASQ-3 Screening Scores 6.7 ASQ-3 Screening Results, by Program 6.8 ASQ-3 Screening Results, by Child 6.9 ASQ-3 Aggregate Results, by Category 6.10 ASQ-3 Screenings Below Cutoff, by Area 6.11 ASQ-3 Screenings, by Interval 6.12 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Scores 6.13 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results, by Program 6.14 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screening Results, by Child 6.15 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Aggregate Results 6.16 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screenings Above Cutoff 6.17 ASQ:SE/ASQ:SE-2 Screenings, by Interval 7 Username & Password Management 7.1 Forgotten Username 7.2 Forgotten Password 7.3 Changing Your Password 8 Additional Support 8.1 Email Technical Support & Toll-Free Technical Support 8.2 Training & On-Site Professional Development 9 Contact Information
Tutorials Account Administrator Getting Started Tutorial Program Administrator Getting Started Tutorial Provider Getting Started Tutorial Family Access Tutorial API Tutorial
FAQs General FAQ 1. What Is ASQ? 2. My practice/office uses an electronic medical record/electronic health record (EMR/EHR). Can I incorporate ASQ-3 in our EMR/EHR? 3. What developmental areas does ASQ-3 address? 4. How often can infants and children be screened with ASQ-3? 5. What age range does ASQ-3 cover? 6. Are ASQ-3 questionnaires easy to use? 7. Are children comfortable completing ASQ-3 activities? 8. How long does it take parents or caregivers to complete the ASQ-3 screening? 9. How long does it take to administer ASQ-3? 10. In what settings can ASQ-3 questionnaires be completed? 11. Is ASQ-3 parent-friendly? 12. How does ASQ-3 involve parents? 13. Can I email an ASQ-3 Parent Conference Sheet or Child Monitoring Sheet to a family? 14. Can I email ASQ-3 questionnaires to a colleague or a family? 15. Can I email the letter templates and forms to a family? 16. Can I post online or email the “What is ASQ-3™?” document? 17. Can I use some of the questions from ASQ-3 in an item or tool that I am creating? 18. How do I get more information about ASQ-3 usage, and rights and permissions? 19. Can ASQ-3 questionnaires be photocopied? 20. Can I post ASQ-3 questionnaires on my web site or my organization’s web site? 21. Can I post ASQ-3 sample questionnaires from your web site onto my web site? 22. I work with a population that does not speak and/or read English. Is ASQ-3 available in other languages? 23. I would like to use ASQ with a population that does not speak and/or read English. Can I get permission to translate the questionnaires myself? 24. What features are new to the third edition of ASQ? 25. I’d like to share the data I’ve collected with ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE with the authors, to help with research and development of future editions. How do I do that? 26. What research supports ASQ-3? 27. What is ASQ:SE-2? 28. Who completes ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 29. In what setting can ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires be completed? 30. Are ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires easy to use? 31. Can you provide an ASQ:SE-2 sample question? 32. How can ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires be used as a parent education tool? 33. How does ASQ:SE-2 involve parents? 34. Is ASQ:SE-2 parent-friendly? 35. How long does it take to administer ASQ:SE-2? 36. How do you score an ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire? 37. How does ASQ Online calculate referrals for ASQ:SE-2? 38. Who can use ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2? 39. Can ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires be photocopied? 40. Is ASQ:SE-2 technically sound? 41. I work in a physician’s office, and we would like to charge our patients’ insurance companies for administering ASQ-3. Are we allowed to do that? 42. Can I charge parents, caregivers, or other service providers a fee for the questionnaires? 43. Are ASQ, ASQ-3, and ASQ:SE-2 trademarked? 44. What is ASQ:SE-2? 45. What features are new to the ASQ:SE-2? 46. Are there additional intervals with the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 47. Is there a monitoring zone available in the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 48. Will I have to run separate reports for ASQ:SE and ASQ:SE-2 screenings? 49. Will I have to create a separate Family Access page for the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire? 50. Is the Information Summary Sheet still the same for the ASQ:SE-2 as it is for ASQ:SE questionnaires? 51. Will I have to create separate packets for my ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 52. Will I have to create separate screening preferences for ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 53. Will I have to create separate documents for ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 54. Are the cutoff scores different for the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 55. What age range does ASQ:SE-2 cover? 56. How long does it take to administer the ASQ:SE-2? 57. My company just purchased ASQ:SE questionnaires and we do not want to purchase the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires. How long will I be able to use my ASQ:SE questionnaires before I have to switch over to ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 58. If I purchase ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires for my account and no longer want my staff to enter ASQ:SE questionnaires into ASQ Online, how can I prevent that so I make sure they are only entering ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 59. Does the ASQ:SE-2 box of questionnaires come with a CD-ROM? 60. Can I add my logo to the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 61. Do I have to purchase all of the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires, or can I only purchase the questionnaires that were updated? 62. Since I am an existing ASQ:SE user, do I need to purchase the ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide with the questionnaires, or can I just purchase the updated questionnaires? 63. If I paid for a Train the Trainer session on ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE questionnaires, will my trainers receive updated information regarding the ASQ:SE-2 to put in their binders? 64. Can I use ASQ:SE and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires at the same time? 65. Once ASQ:SE-2 publishes, will I still be able to enter my ASQ:SE keycode? 66. What are the psychometric/technical properties of ASQ:SE-2? 67. Will the parent handouts and social-emotional activities in ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide be included inside ASQ Online after I enter my keycode? 68. Will ASQ Online provide a completed ASQ:SE-2 item response sheet that I can print for my paper records? ASQ Online 1. What is ASQ Online? 2. How does an ASQ Online subscription work? 3. What is the difference between ASQ Pro and ASQ Enterprise? 4. What is ASQ Hub? 5. Can parents complete the ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires online? 6. Can parents or caregivers access their child’s records in the ASQ Online system? 7. What is ASQ Family Access? 8. Can I purchase only ASQ Family Access? 9. How do parents or caregivers use Family Access? 10. Is there a limit to the number of users for one ASQ Online account? 11. Why are the dates in my ASQ Online Account (YYYY/MM/DD)? 12. What is an ASQ keycode? 13. How do I use the ASQ keycode? 14. How many keycodes do I need? 15. Where do I find the ASQ keycode? 16. Can I share my keycode with other sites? 17. Does my ASQ keycode give me access to all ASQ questionnaires online? 18. What do I do if my ASQ keycode is missing or lost? 19. What if my ASQ keycode is not working? 20. I purchased ASQ:SE before June 2009 and don’t have a keycode. How do I access ASQ Online? 21. What are My Alerts, and how do I set alert messages? 22. My program has its own logo. How do I upload my logo to include on documents? 23. Why can’t I create a screening in ASQ Online? 24. How do I log off ASQ Online? 25. Can I add other test data into the ASQ Online system, such as M-CHAT results? 26. How can I find all of my complete and incomplete screenings in ASQ Online? 27. Can I make changes to a questionnaire in ASQ Online after it is finalized? 28. What reports are available in ASQ Online? 29. What predefined ASQ Online roles and permissions can be set for each user? 30. What are the rights and permissions for the ASQ Online Account Administrator role? 31. What are the rights and permissions for the ASQ Online Program Administrator role? 32. What are the rights and permissions for the ASQ Online Provider role? 33. What are the rights and permissions for the ASQ Online Reviewer role? 34. Do I need to be a user in more than one ASQ Online account if I work with more than one program or school? Child Data, Privacy, and Security 1. Who can view or modify ASQ Online child records? 2. Will the child data I enter into ASQ Online be used for any other purposes? 3. Who can view My Profile page besides me? 4. How do I know my data is protected in the ASQ Online system? 5. Can I share my ASQ Online password with other professionals or parents? 6. How do I ensure that no one overwrites child data I enter into the ASQ Online management system without my knowledge? 7. How can I see who else has edited or modified a child record of a child I am assigned to? 8. What do I do if I can’t locate the ASQ Online child record for a child I am working with? 9. How is child data kept secure in ASQ Online? Costs and Ordering 1. What is included in the ASQ-3™ User’s Guide and The ASQ:SE User’s Guide? 2. Are the questionnaires on the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE CD-ROMs interactive? 3. What is the ASQ-3 Materials Kit? 4. What is the ASQ-3 Quick Start Guide? 5. I understand that use of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 is site specific, but I’m not sure how a “site” is defined. What constitutes a “site?” 6. My organization has many locations throughout the state. How many boxes of ASQ do I need to buy? Training 1. I would like ASQ training for a few people in my organization, but we cannot afford to bring a speaker to our site. Are there any seminars that we can attend? 2. I have been using ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE for several years, and would like to train others in my organization, community, city, or state on how to use it. Can I do that? 3. I am presenting an ASQ-3 training next month. How do I obtain permission to distribute photocopies of one of the questionnaires to seminar participants? 4. I want my staff to be trained on ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2. Who is qualified to provide training? 5. Is training for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 available? 6. My organization will soon begin to use ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2, and would like to schedule a seminar. At what point should we schedule our seminar? 7. My organization would like to implement ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2. Do we need training to use it correctly? Technical Support 1. What technical assistance is available after I purchase my ASQ Pro subscription? 2. What technical assistance is available after I purchase my ASQ Enterprise subscription? 3. Is ASQ Online compatible with my ASQ Manager CD-ROM? 4. How do I know my data is protected in the ASQ Online system? 5. How can I transfer my child records from ASQ Manager to an ASQ Online account? 6. How is child data kept secure in ASQ Online? 7. How do I change my password in ASQ Online? 8. What if I’ve forgotten my username and/or password? 9. How quickly can I expect a response to a request for ASQ Online technical assistance? Child Profiles 1. How do I add a new Child Profile in ASQ Online 2. How do I add a caregiver to a Child Profile in ASQ Online? 3. How can I find all of my complete and incomplete screenings in ASQ Online? 4. Can I make changes to a question in ASQ Online after it is finalized? 5. How do I archive a child record in ASQ Online? 6. Why can't I see my Child Profiles in ASQ Online? 7. Why does the ASQ Online Short Form only contain boxes, and no questions? ASQ:SE-2 1. What is ASQ:SE-2? 2. What features are new to the ASQ:SE-2? 3. Are there additional intervals with the ASQ:SE-2 quesionnaire? 4. Is there a monitoring zone available in the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 5. Will I have to run separate reports for ASQ:SE and ASQ:SE-2 screenings? 6. Will I have to create a separate Family Access page for the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire? 7. Is the Information Summary Sheet still the same for the ASQ:SE-2 as it is for ASQ:SE 8. Will I have to create separate packets for my ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 9. Will I have to create separate screening preferences for ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 10. Will I have to create separate documents for ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 11. Are the cutoff scores different for the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 12. What age range does ASQ:SE-2 cover? 13. How long does it take to administer the ASQ:SE-2? 14. My company just purchased ASQ:SE questionnaires and we do not want to purchase the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires. How long will I be able to use my ASQ:SE questionnaires before I have to switch over to ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 15. If I purchase ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires for my account and no longer want my staff to enter ASQ:SE questionnaires into ASQ Online, how can I prevent that so I make sure they are only entering ASQ:SE- 2 questionnaires? 16. Does the ASQ:SE-2 box of questionnaires come with a CD-ROM? 17. Can I add my logo to the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires? 18. Do I have to purchase all of the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires, or can I only purchase the questionnaires that were updated? 19. Since I am an existing ASQ:SE user, do I need to purchase the ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide with the questionnaires, or can I just purchase the updated questionnaires? 20. If I paid for a Train the Trainer session on ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE questionnaires, will my trainers receive updated information regarding the ASQ:SE-2 to put in their binders? 21. Can I use ASQ:SE and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires at the same time? 22. Once ASQ:SE-2 publishes, will I still be able to enter my ASQ:SE keycode? 23. What are the psychometric/technical properties of ASQ:SE-2? 24. Will the parent handouts and social-emotional activities in ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide be included inside ASQ Online after I enter my keycode? 25. Will ASQ Online provide a completed ASQ:SE-2 item response sheet that I can print for my paper records? Family Access 1. What is dynamic content? 2. Can you provide an example of dynamic content, and how it populates a document? 3. What is ASQ Family Access? 4. Can parents or caregivers complete ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires online? 5. Can parents or caregivers access their child's records in the ASQ Online system? 6. How do parents or caregivers use ASQ Family Access? 7. What is a Family Access landing page? 8. Why can't I create a Family Access landing page? 9. How do I add the Family Access URL to a Family Access cover letter? 10. What happens after a parent or a caregiver has submitted a questionnaire via Family Access? 11. What does the message on the Family Access page telling me I have 'family access screenings to assign' mean? 12. How do I copy my Family Access URL? 13. I don't want information from my program profile to appear automatically on my Family Access landing page. How do I prevent that? 14. How do I insert a hyperlink or website address in the Program address/Welcome/Consent paragraph/Thank you message sections of the Family Access landing page? 15. Can I insert other images besides my logo on the Family Access landing page? 16. How do I resize the logo that appears on my Family Access landing page? 17. Can I format the text on my Family Access landing page? 18. What does disabling the Family Access landing page mean? 19. Why have the options to accept, reject, or assign a screening disappeared from my Family Access landing page? 20. I'm a Provider and there is a passcode field on my Family Access landing page. What does that mean? Import/Export 1. What are Data Templates, and how would I use them? 2. What Data Templates are available in ASQ Online? 3. I'm a Program Administrator. How do I import data? 4. I'm a Program Administrator and am receiving error messages when trying to import data. What should I do? 5. What are my export options? 6. I'm a Program Administrator. How do I export data? 7. I'm a Provider. How do I export data? API
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